You can disinfect glass and smooth surfaces in the shower stall, as well as steel and galvanized surfaces with rubbing alcohol. It is best to take a microfiber cloth and soak it in rubbing alcohol.While the alcohol does its work you can go and enjoy BetChan.
Be sure to wear rubber gloves when doing this! Test on an invisible area first – in some cases the alcohol can damage delicate metal surfaces. Then work the rubbing alcohol into the seals with an old toothbrush. Then, gently wipe the affected surfaces. The alcohol will simply evaporate, and you won’t need to wipe the surfaces again afterward. However, if black spots remain, then you can brush them off with a clean brush. Removing red mold from the shower curtain. Cleaning the shower. Removing mold from tiles and grout. Red mold most often spreads on the shower curtain. The stains appear overnight and then, fortunately, they are quite easy to clean. The quickest and most effective way to do this is with a bleach solution. Spray the stains with it or put the whole shower curtain in a bucket full of the bleach solution. Then, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions, you can either wash the curtain in the washing machine or simply hang it up and rinse it well with the shower.

To not only get rid of mold but also prevent it, here are some tips and tricks. Because life is just easier if you do not have to follow so many steps for getting rid of mold. It can be a real pain. So if you just consider the following steps you hopefully will never find yourself in such a position.
After cleaning, you should take a few preventive measures:
- Keep the humidity in the shower area as low as possible.
- Wipe the tiles dry after showering.
- Air and wash the shower curtain regularly.
- Repair broken tiles and wet drywall.
Mold develops where there is moisture. But only moisture is not enough, the fungi also need a breeding ground. Soap and shampoo residues that accumulate in grout lines and on tiles provide the perfect breeding ground for spores. So the best prevention is to keep the shower stall dry and clean. It is best to air the bathroom 2 – 3 times a day. In this case, the so-called shock ventilation proves to be particularly effective. And regularly wipe the water from the shower stall, seals and joints.
And now you are done and hopefully it all worked out. So you can enjoy a mold-free house. However, it is always better to regularly check if the mold has not come back yet. And also tell your other household members what to do if they notice mold. It might not seem that big of a deal but it really does endanger your health.